Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Review: Webster Hall - 7.09.2012

In case you didn't know it already, I Am the Third is made up of some really wonderful, talented, and amazing people who deserve all the support and encouragement they can get. They are excellent, hardworking musicians, and they have put their heart and soul into their music and into keeping every fan they've made.

And they still find time to have fun!

This has perhaps never been more evident than last night, at Webster Hall, where I Am the Third gave their fans an amazing, heartfelt, and energetic performance to show them just how much their support was loved and appreciated.

It's possible that they drew the biggest crowd to the venue that night, selling over 70 tickets, and while the headliners, Sons of Jove, were really good, had a great sound, and were certainly enjoyed by the crowd, it was when I Am the Third was playing that the entire audience was singing along.

A lot of people came to the show with or purchased the new I Am the Third shirts and/or buttons, and everyone crowded to the front when they stepped on stage. The audience participation was so immense that Alec (the lead singer) was even able to put the mic into the crowd and let us finish his lines. The energy was amazing and my heart was just ready to burst with pride

New shirts! 

They are going to have some crisp, more professional recordings from the show in a while, but I'm too excited not to share what is already out there. Pardon the fact that this was taken on someone's digital camera and not some fancy recording equipment, but you can hear everything just fine and you get to see the energy of the crowd, which was a huge part of the show.

I love how positive their music is.

It's wonderful that they played such an awesome set at such a big venue, because it's opened a lot of doors for them. Good contacts were made, new shows are in the works, and a lot more people know their name now. Like I said before, I couldn't be more proud of all the work they've put in to get to this point and beyond it.

My favorite part starts at around 2:18. So good.

Once the crisper and fancier videos come out, you know I'll be sharing them with you, but until then, check out the band here and keep an eye out for the new releases coming from the group with a groove that has been called "music to listen to while you're chasing your dreams in the concrete jungle." (source)

I'll leave you with the title track from their upcoming album, Western Love:

More videos available here!

Portions of this post were originally printed at: What Grew.

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